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Ok, let's talk about sugar!


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Something's been really ticking me off.

So I've tried making sugar scrubs, it was kind of a fail...oh well.

Anyway, one thing I noticed was that sugar was altering my scents. For example, I made a chocolate scent that within a week or two started to smell like gingerbread. I did a strawberry that after time started smelling like something undefinable.

Now, I've used some WONDERFUL sugar scrubs from people on this board (and SYR, I'm hoping you chime in since I most recently used yours so it's fresh in my head) and I want to know why yours all smell so wonderful even after they've sat for a bit... please?

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(Duh SYR, I totally know better then to NOT give an ingredient list/recipe. I'm such a pain in the tush sometimes!)

I've tried a few recipe's that's the problem.

Typically we're looking at the following ingredients....


Oil (Sweet Almond, Avacado, Grapeseed, any or all of those)

Butter (Tried Shea once, still got a funk)

Preservative (LiquaPar)


FO's (C&S's as well as Just Scent)

I figured out what the funk to my FO was with the Strawberry, it literally started to smell like it was fermenting. I got one good batch out of it that I did in a swap (or at least I never heard of a problem with it) but everything else went funk despite using the same recipe.

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Well, I tried the strawberry jarred. That started to smell like a daiquiri.

Tried the chocolate both ways, each started picking up a gingerbread type of smell.

I've ventured into HP soap with well... poor results to say the least. I'm thinking of getting another cheap crock pot (killed the one I was using) and trying again sometime in the semi-near future. I ended up using MP because it's one thing I've had rather good results with.

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Are you using Brown Sugar? I do notice some smell in some sugars.

Definately Brown Sugar, and I have had Turbinado and Demera that had and odd smell before, seems different suppliers sugar can be lighter or darker and have a tad different smell to them. But I dont' notice any smell really with white sugar, maybe you should try the white sugar then you could possibly try and narrow down the culprit.

It could also be the fragrance oil you are using just has a funky note, Maybe Candlescience Strawberry is better for candles, I have it but havent' tried in Bath and Body. I use Oregon Trails for B& B Strawberry

Or is it possible one of your oils has gone rancid without you knowing, this would give an odd smell also.

If you are using Demera or Turbinado it could be that I do notice a bit of smell from these

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Oil (Sweet Almond, Avacado, Grapeseed, any or all of those)

Butter (Tried Shea once, still got a funk)

Preservative (LiquaPar)


FO's (C&S's as well as Just Scent)

What you have listed would work best for a solid scrub. You don't have an emulsifyer to make the emulsified ones.

Grapeseed has a SHORT shelf life. I don't use it for that reason.

Beeswax will most likely cause drag on the skin.

Try equal amounts of oil and sugar. Blend together. Add small amounts of melted MP or shea. Let cool. Check consistency. If too runny, add another small amount of melted MP or shea. Let cool. Check consistency.

Continue until you get the consistency you are looking for.

Add preservative and FO.


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Ok, First Batch was about the consistency of loose applesauce.

Not quite right.

Since it was completely cool though, playing around with adding other stuff was pretty easy.

So far I've added:

.50oz Honey

.50oz Shea Butter

.50oz Palm Kernal (remembering that Palm Kernal can impact hardness, I was REALLY hopeful on this one)

.50oz "treated" MP

I stopped and let the newly heated/added ingredient (except the honey of course which I didn't heat) incorporate and cool each time. I'm at about the consistency of cold applesauce now. Letting the MP cool now, lucky for me, with this small of a batch and the fan on in my kitchen, stuff's cooling rather quickly.

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Round 3!

We're getting closer, something along the lines of... a loose cake frosting. If anyone's ever had to beat egg whites to stiff peaks, I'd say right now I'm at soft peaks.

Anyway, here's the latest edition:

.50oz Palm Kernel

.50oz MP

So here's the totals:

2.50oz White Sugar

1.25oz Avacado Oil

1.25oz Sweet Almond

1.50oz Already "treated" M&P (colored/dyed)

.50oz Honey

.50oz Shea Butter

1.0oz Palm Kernal

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So I'm getting restless. Took another check on it. Now we're at stiff peaks (again with the egg white reference) but there's still a teeny bit of warmth left. Going to wait about half an hour and that should finish cooling it to at least room temp. I took a little dollop and tried it out just on my hands to get an idea if this was even worth continuing with. It's NICE. My hands feel like a baby's tush. It's leaving a little bit of oilyness behind but as soon as you dry your hands, it's gone and you just feel soft and smooth.

We might be onto something here!

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