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OOPS!! meant CPOP, not HP!!!!


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sorry, the subject in my post from this morning should have been CPOP, NOT HP in a toaster/convection oven!

here's the rest of the post for those who didn't read the first one.....

has anyone ever done this? i read a post where someone said she put the mold on a heating pad, and i'm pretty sure the heat control on that doesn't have degrees, but i could be wrong. some of the toaster/convection ovens and rotisseries out there today are pretty big and complex, definitely a far cry from the original toaster ovens.

our oven is broken and even when they fix it, it doesn't last. i'm sure eventually they'll install a new one, but in the meantime.....

i make small batches, still pretty new to CP and CPHP, but i'd love to try CPOP.




Edited by dogmom1
to add a thought & correct spelling
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