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heat gun questions

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my dad bought me a heat gun tonight and it has 2 settings...750 degrees and 1000 degrees. is this right? it seems REALLY hot but i'm sure you just leave it on your candle for no time at all. i would be using it to heat my jars and to smooth out the top of my jars. is that hot enough to catch your wick on fire or damage the wick at all?

also can you use this just with your jars sitting on the kitchen table? i know that sounds dumb but i know a lot of you work in your kitchen so i was just wondering if you only use your gun in one certain area or if you ever leave it on long enough for the heat to effect anything... :confused:

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Don't over use...don't let glass get too hot, it may break.

Protect your wick, I usually aim towards the wall of the glass, away from the wick...don't worry, the heat spreads quickly.

You almost never need the higher setting, especially if you are just smoothing the tops.

Keep the heat gun moving..back and forth, up and down..don't "park it" in one area, go back over an area if you need to, but give the heat a chance to work.

If your wick burns or ignites...go back and read my warnings again! :wink2:

Just be careful, use common sense and you will do fine. Any problems, and there is always someone here to help.

Have a good holiday, and remember to thank your dad!

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