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Oxide confusion?


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I usually just take a small scoop, put it in whatever I am going to use for swirl (disposable cup, small pitcher, whatever) and mix it with some oils. I always mix oxides with oils, someone told me that long ago, so that is how I do it.

I use that small amount of oil, mix it up so there are no clumps, then when I have emulsion, I scoop off a small amount for swirls and put it in the mix.

Does that make sense? Or do I need to go to bed?

If you are looking to color your base, I always just take out some uncolored portions to swirl first.

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Thanks:) I was told that some oxides mix with water only and others with oil. The ones I have state to mix with water then to add to the lye/water mixture. If it has to be done that way then my entire batch would be have to be a solid color. It would be easier to be able to mix directly with the oils. Then I could just take out whatever amount I wanted for mix colors.

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I double checked and the instructions state water dispersable. 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon for a 5 lb soap batch. Blend oxide with warm water to create a slurry. I'll check to see if there were maybe more detail instructions that were missing from the package. Adding at trace would seem to be ideal IMO. I can always try it with a small batch to experiment.

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I was trying to figure out if for some reason the color would only work with the water and the lye. The directions state to mix the powder with water then add that to the water & lye mixture before adding to the oils and blend until trace. I'll test it the way you guys use it. Thanks for the help.

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Oooooooooooh. Now I get it!!

Those are confusing directions. You must have thought we were all dim bells!

I have never added color to my lye water, altho I have seen suppliers recommend that procedure for testing a color.

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