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wicking thoughts

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I was sitting on the beach today (taking a small break from testign) and I was thinking about testing. (ok... not really taking a break, but you know)

If you have 2 jars that are identaical in diameter, but one is taller than wider and one is wider than taller... would the shorter one take a larger wick than the taller one since it does not have as much room to "trap" the heat in? Does that make sense???

Thanks for helping me clear my couriosity.

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Not necessarily... the taller one might need a smaller wick because of the heat buildup and the availability of O2 in the lower half of the container... bigger wick needs more O2... This would also depend upon the shape of the container which has a bearing on the air currents way down in there... I use a CDN 14 in nearly all of my 8 oz widemouth jars, but often wick down to a 12 for the taller 16 ouncers.

If I were sitting on the beach, I dang sure wouldn't be thinking about candles! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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Rebeccajo99....Lucky you to be sitting on the beach. Water is so relaxing and time does go by so quick when one is on the beach. I don't have a beach outside but have a beautiful woods. Still not as good as a ocean. But it makes me :) ! Good thing I don't have the ocean........I would be out all day and never get anything done at home.

I have found my test results to be as Stella1952 described for widemouth jars. A few of my heavy fragrance oils I wick up in the taller jars.

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hmmm... thanks for sharing your testing results. I'm still only working with one jar, but plan to add different ones/sizes in the future.

Thankfully I don't live by an ocean either. I love breating in the salt air. I am trying to talk my husband into moving to the ocean, but he won't budge. Maybe it is for the best, wouldn't get anything done otherwise:laugh2: I do live in the best of both world. Drive 30 mins west and hit Lake Michigan, drive 30 mins north, and you have woods. I love it.

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