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Scammer from Philadelphia


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Last night I received a call from a man named James C. Schwartz from Philadelphia. He said he was a consumer advocate.

He stated that he had purchased three large candles from a local mall that had been made by my company and the total cost was close to $100.00. He got very pushy and said he had burned the three candles next to each other on a charger plate. About half way down the candles started leaking to the side and ruined his charger plate and damaging a table. One of his favorite sayings was "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM".

There is a law firm in philadelphia named James & Schwartz.

The store that sells my candles does not have a store in the mall anymore. (Its been about a year), but their phone number still shows the mall.:yay:

It turns out, he called the store, got hold of the owners 12 year old daughter and asked her who made the candles, sizes, scents and cost. He was so rude to her she ended up crying.

He was requesting the return of his $100.00 in the form of a postal money order and new candles.

Just wanted to put the story out there in case anyone else gets a call.

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That sounds weird but I have heard worse which is really sad LOL. People will do anything for a buck. Some people will pull that crap all day and who knows how many people fall for it. Glad the police actually did something about it and Philadelphia police too? Now being born and raised there I find that amazing. You would think they were too busy to be bothered with all the other crime going on now.

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