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What have YOU added to your M&P soap?


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I'm making a bunch of melt and pour soaps for christmas gifts to give out to random people...

Today I was working on some Egg Nog scented soaps and couldn't figure out how to make it look more like real Egg Nog...

Then it hit me... hey other soapers add in all sorts of stuff to their soaps... why not me...

So I stirred in some nutmeg... and it worked out wonderful!

I'm going to try mixing in some pumpkin to see how that turns out tomorrow...

My question is... What have YOU added to your M&P?

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Various spices for coloring

Shea butter

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Powder

Goat Milk




Vitamin E

Castor Oil

Jojoba Oil

Mango butter

Sweet Almond Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Eucalyptus Oil

Chamomile (ground to bits)

Lavender buds (ground to death)

Evening Primrose Oil

uhmmmm that's all I can remember right off hand :D

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Can you add in butters like shea to M&P? WHOA! LOL

How much would you add?

I try to balance the hard oils with the soft oils...but generally I go 2tablespoons of "stuff" per pound of soap...I've been shocked, because in the beginning I expected that adding more oils would ruin the texture or hardness of the soap, I figured it might not get hard again LOL, WRONG! You can just play around with it and find what works... I made a batch recently that had probably almost a half pound of extras in it :tongue2: The total batch was 4 1/2 pounds by the time I got through with it. You can add cold cream to your soap..(I use 2TBS per pound of MP) I haven't added lotion..but I keep wondering what would happen if I did :D I'll try it soon. It's no different than cold cream when you think about it.

Oh, beeswax is another thing you can add I just shred some up and dump it in..I'd say about the same as the butters I use. Jojoba oil makes a very creamy feeling lather, and I almost ALWAYS add some to my MP. Just experiment with it, I haven't hated a single batch of my MP soap yet!

Have fun! :)

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