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Why does my wick look like it is seeping.

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Why does it look like my wick is seeping into my wax and making it a blue color. Around the wick there is this brown film as well. This is only happening on my lilac candles and no other scent. I tried to take pictures, but i get kicked off the internet every time I try to attach them. I'll try again in another post.

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So would you guess to wick up or down??? One jar had a CD 14 and one a CD 12. The CD 12 danced like crazy and the jar got really hot. The CD 14 did great, but the HT throw was just ok. (12 was much better) However, on a different note. The 14 did not mushroom at all. (That pic didn't turn out so I didn't post it)

Putting the blue wax and the brown seepage aside, it would appear that 14 would be the wick to go.

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I might just have to try that as well. I only have a little bit of FO left before I have to buy more of this scent. I was going to try it one more time with a different FO amount as well. If that one fails as well, got any ideas for a different supplier for lilac?

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I think it is the FO. Happens with us with some FO we get a mild grey tinge.

Yep.. Me too...Some of my wicks may turn a grey/purple color after awhile..:sad2:

Guess the wick is soaking up the FO.

Does not affect the burn or scent throw.. So no biggie..

I have some scents that do in my dyefree line. If you use dye, it still happens, you just don't notice it as much. I always figured that was one of the tradeoffs.


Same here.. It's the same trade off as some of your dye free candles turning yellow after sitting on a self for awhile.. (UV did not help me)

Soy sucks sometime!!!:laugh2:

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I am doing dye free... so your those that are doing the dye free, you just let the blue/grey wax go??? I don't mind it turning a little yellow or tan while burning, but I don't know if I can do the blue/grey.

I must have misunderstood the question..

My wax stays fine, it is my "wick" that turns a greyish color..

I reread the post, and IMO it could be the oil.

Especially since you say it does not happen with any other FO.

Try a different supplier for the Lilac oil and see if that makes a difference.

I have used BCN's Lilac and Ky's. Both work well for me in soy with no discoloration. HTH.

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Is your discoloration before or after burning? The blue/gray tinge I get on some of my dye frees is after burning. In other words, the part that was melted and then rehardened is tinged. I don't worry that much about it.

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My customers just want a strong smelling candle at a reasonable price. They would be more upset if I backed off on the oil. Never had any complaints or questions about it. But dye-free is not my main line. Most of my candles have dye. I just think that with dye-free, you have nothing to mask the imperfections. Although you don't see the frosting as much, you see things that would be masked by dye. JMO. They don't have to buy them if they don't like them. :)

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