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baby food jar candles

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I would think that you might be able to get them from a supplier, but not sure who. I get mine from Freecycle. I also let people in my church know that I use them. You would not believe how quick word spreads and then you have a ton lying around. I have never had to buy any even when I have orders for 100+. I always decorate the tops with fabric and batting. Kinda the quilt looking top. The fabric just depends on what the occassion is.



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I got some (about 200) for free off Craigslist about an hour away from me. Now I have a couple of girls saving them for me, so it looks like I have a good supply for now. I'm doing peach, pear, plum, apple, baby powder in pink and blue, vanilla custard, banana, etc. I'm going to paint the tops white and use gingham fabric or ribbon for decorating. I also made a label with my baby pic on it. Those can be customized for a baby shower or whatever.

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When I make them for baby showers, most customers like the original lids. Then I use labels that go completely around the jar (like the original). At times, I have painted the lid and then stenciled the top of it with a contrasting color. I use a simple stencil like a duck, teddybear, footprint, etc ... anything babyish.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am new to candle selling but at the moment already sell a TON of baby jar candles. (maybe people are simply still sampling my candles). Each jar costs 17 cents and each lid is also 17 cents (Canadian). All I did was google local bottle companies in my area and went down to one of them. Try your city as it is probably similar as bee keepers are around everywhere wanting similar jars. They were really nice and gave me a whole bunch of free samples in various sizes to try out. There's another company down the street from them that I want to try out next that makes square mason jars.

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