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  1. Granville Island Candle Company located out of Kelowna BC. I get my fragrances from them as they are of quality and yet the cheapest I've seen so far (there is one other Canadian supplier that I've seen that has a couple on sale even cheaper but not many). They also have a mega huge variety of scents not posted on the website. You can even create your own, send it in and they can duplicate it. I don't particularly like their container wax but I might try their votive wax next. Their wax is to pure for my taste and once burned, the tops are really jagged and sides of containers discolored. The burgandy one looked like scared flesh tissue after use. However, it holds HT and CT amazingly well. If you can get it to not look like scar tissue once burned, any tips would be great and I'd go back to using it. I'm still new at it, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. If you do use them, let me know how it goes !
  2. I am new to candle selling but at the moment already sell a TON of baby jar candles. (maybe people are simply still sampling my candles). Each jar costs 17 cents and each lid is also 17 cents (Canadian). All I did was google local bottle companies in my area and went down to one of them. Try your city as it is probably similar as bee keepers are around everywhere wanting similar jars. They were really nice and gave me a whole bunch of free samples in various sizes to try out. There's another company down the street from them that I want to try out next that makes square mason jars.
  3. I have a tiny antique business and am just starting candles, but I get all my display stuff at Eddie's Hang Up Display Ltd. Just google Eddie's Hang Ups. They have a store in Edmonton and Vancouver but also do gift shows around the country. I just checked and they are in Mississauga Aug 9-12 but I would just go to the stores in Edmonton and Vancouver if close by instead of waiting for the gift shows. Once in their file system, they also send sale catelogues periodically in the mail. After searching for nice glass shelving, this was the ONLY place that had them. When Rafters closed down I tried to buy their shelves and they recommended I go here and I've never looked back and often lurk around for fun and to see the next new thing.
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