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Jar Adhesion

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I am having a problem with my wax adhering to the glass container jar. Even though I heat the jar and slowly add the was there are still several "air "spots. I am using a soy/paraffin blend and I always carefully following all instructions. Can't really figure out the problem and if someone would have any ideas I would so much appreciate it!


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These are known as wet spots, and we all have had issues with them from time to time.

My solutions have changed through the years. For a long time I poured hot, about 180 degrees, into a heated jar, and slow cooled in cooling boxes I made. However, the J-50, which I use as my base wax in my blend has changed, and the old method doesn't work any longer.

Now I heat the wax to 195 degrees, add my scent, color, and additives, then wait until the temperature is 140 degrees, and pour into a warm jar, and don't worry about the slow cool.

I get a wet spot once in a while, but not often.

My suggestion is to experiment with pour temperatures. A warm wax will not shrink as much when cooling as a hot wax, so the chance for wet spots is reduced.

The IGI recommended pour temp for my J-50 is listed as 175-180 degrees, but at that temp, the results were ugly.

My point is, find what works best for you, even if it flies in the face of what is recommended.


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hi fredron,

thank you so much for getting back to me! i actually spent the day searching for this issue on the forum and found a lot of discussions about it. your response is still very helpful and i will be sure to try pouring at a lower temperature to see if there is a difference. someone also mentioned washing your jar with ammonia in hot water before pouring.

many thanks again!


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