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what kind of shows to do?


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I'm ready to try to sell some of the things I've been making. Well, I mostly sell to friends here at my day job so far. But I want to branch out. What kind of shows do you make the most $ at? We have flea markets, farmer's markets, and craft shows (in the fall) here. Any suggestions would be great. My brother is working on a website, as I don't really have alot of initial $ to invest right now. I'm addicted to making and trying new stuff and need to sell some to re buy product!


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I think alot of it will depend on your area. In my area I wouldn't bother doing flea markets near me because they are mostly junk sales & the shoppers are only looking for items at a fraction of walmart prices so I won't get fair price for anything if I even tried.

I personally do quite a few farmers markets during the summer. They don't give me very much in sales but I have made a few good contacts (& landed my biggest wholesale account) at them. If you are looking for great sales they probably aren't the best place either, BUT again that may just be my area.

For me the best shows that I do are my fall line-up of craft fairs. I typically do better at juried shows but some many be because I have been doing the same shows for years so people know where to look for me. I also fill in between the juried shows with a few non-juried shows just to fill the calendar but look at most of those as "advertising" like the farmers markets because I don't make nearly as much at those.

A good place to look at to find shows when you are starting is craftlister.com. I started there and as I made friends with other crafters I heard about more & more "good" shows from their referals. What ever you decide to do, good luck!

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Also check your local firehalls, community park, churches, etc. Local shows are usually cheap and since they are local, you can build repeat business that way. You could also ask one of your friends to do a home candle party (like a tupperware party). I have never done this but some people do.

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I used to do stained glass and did some of the local craft shows, but never the juried shows. I never did well, but maybe it was because they weren't juried.

I guess it dosen't hurt to try a few and see. I missed all the ones in May here, but I guess I'll be really prepared for the fall ones. I know most of them around here. Maybe I should try the ones I haven't done before. I was thinking of the home shows too, one friend suggested that. I actually used to sell Partylite too... I always have something going on I guess:) Thanks for the advice.

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Around here the flea markets = low prices. I saw someone selling their jelly jar soy candles for $2.00. :confused:

I also do a small farmers market. It's very small and I don't make a lot but it's fun and I have built up repeat business.

I would start with the small shows. Craft bazaars at the churches, schools, etc. They usually come with a fairly low application fee and it's easy to do well at many of them.

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Guest jurnalynn

i do festivals/craft fairs we have a local one its a little on the high side but our fourth of july one is much more reasonable


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