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Sanitizer bag holder tutorial


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I made this for a swap and thought I would share how I made it. It was easy peasy and there may be an easier or different way but this is how I did it. I made the tute so you can spruce up your sanitizer holders too. You can add a little hook to it and attatch it to you kiddos backpacks, or purse handles, belt loops, keychains and so much more.



6"x3" piece of fabric

2 1/2" piece of ribbon

approx. 8-10" of skinny ribbon

key ring

clip hook

I started with a piece of fabric cut to 6"x3"


I also used a small piece of ribbon cut 2 1/2 inches


Fold it in half as shown


Fold in your side seams two times and stitch up both sides as shown.


Next, fold top and bottom (edges left and right) over twice and stitch.


Take your small piece of ribbon and place on good side of fabric with raw edges of ribbon lined up with side seam, it can overlap a bit and pin.


Fold in half good side to good side and stitch up side seams but not to the very edge but to the stitched line from earlier when you stitched the top and bottom edges.


Sew to red line indications, just to where you see the zig zag stichline in the below picture.


Now take a 2 safety pins and two pieces ribbon and poke through the end of ribbon and close pin.


Turn bag rightside out. Run safety pin through one side of bag top opening and around to the other side. Take your other piece ribbon and start on opposite side and run through top all around.


You will have this:


Tie your ends. Place Sanitizer in holder and close bag with strings and tie a bow. You are finished.


If you add a ring and hook it will look like this, I forgot to take a pic before sending it so this is the pic my swap partner took.


That's it. Comments good or bad welcome. If you have any questions let me know. :)

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I so need to get a sewing machine so I can catch up to your craftiness! :laugh2:

Thanks for sharing!

Quick run to Walmart and get one. They are pretty cheap. I hate to admit it but I have 3 sewing machines, 2 embroidery machines and 1 serger. :lipsrseal

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A serger is great but I haven't figured out how to use it yet. lol I did take a class but I forgot everything I learned. I got mine at Walmart several years ago and they still sell the same one. It's a great serger and great price. I recommend if you are in the market for one.


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Okay we are not telling my DH about this he already thinks you are a bad influence on me. LOL

I will look in to that one I don't think I am ready for one yet but I have been glancing at them when I go in to fabric stores.

I have never been a bad influence on anyone before. lol :laugh2: I'm glad to be one though.:wink2:

Valerie, I bet it's not as hard to use once you fully understand the machine. I need to force myself to just use it and not be afraid of it. lol

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