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Firestarter Packaging and Mesh Bags


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I was thinking about using mesh bags for firestarter packaging....anyone know where to get them for a good price. I was thinking a mesh bag that's similar to an onion bag so the scent would come through without opening, like you would with a coffee tie bag...



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These may be too small...


There are more sizes of these...


Here is the stapler you are supposed to use...


Overall, you're looking at quite a bit of start up expense. You might shop around a little more because, IMO, Hubert is a little on the expensive side.

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I bought netting at Walmart to use for a birdseed project. It's like the onion bag & is in the sewing section. I know it was less than $1 a yard. I gathered the netting around and tied it. Could you do that?

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That's a great idea :yay: ....I'll check that out. I've exhausted my options on looking for the real onion bags. Basically you have to purchase 1000's + and most of the companies are overseas....

Appreciate your help!


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