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Ever dumped too much FO in your wax?

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I was making different sized batches yesterday and yep, you guessed it, I dumped two ounces of FO that was meant for a larger batch into a single pound of wax. Is it even safe to burn the double FOed wax? I don't sell so customers getting it is not an issue; it'll be just me using it. But I still would rather not have excessive sooting that I think this much FO would cause.

Any way to salvage this? Like melt another pound of wax into the double FOed pound? What about chipping up the double FOed pound so it'll melt quicker into the new wax? Maybe use a food grater?

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As long as your FO doesn't separate from your wax, I think you'll be fine. Depends on how you do the measuring I suppose, but 2 oz as opposed to using 1 oz might only result in a wick challenge. Add more wax if that makes you feel more comfortable, but I would guess it mixed with your wax just fine. You'll know when it doesn't. There's a distinct oil sludge on the bottom.

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