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Extra Thin Soaps? (like leaves)

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I saw this picture of super-thin leaf soap that I just posted on my blog: blog.cibariasoapsupply.com , and I am wondering how someone make something like that? Do they use tiny little molds?

I'm brand new to soap making, but I'd love to do intricate things like that!! how cool! And their packaging is so sleek!

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I know those leaves are available through a craft store and I'll bet they are dipped in a M&P soap. I can't remember where the leaves are available from, but HL or Michael's probably has them. I've seen them embedded in wax products.

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I've done the dipped soap leaves several times, but saw some at Dollar Tree that are actually just ultra-thin leaves of soap--had to try them out. The scent was horrible (all florals, of course) but it really was soap!!

It seems it would take much too much time to be worth making for selling without some kind of machinery.


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