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Stuck at Oily Applesauce


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Ok, so I'm finally trying crock pot soaping for the first time. I've gotten trace, gotten past that and been stuck with what resembles oily applesauce for nearly 30 minutes. This seems like an awful long time yet it's still bubbling like crazy. It's risen a little bit (but as its my first batch, it is a small one, so maybe it's risen more then I'm giving it credit for).

Am I just being in patient???

*sits at the laptop in the kitchen watching the icky applesauce looking stuff*

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The same thing happened to me yesterday, using the Hot Oven Process. I gave it a good stir and put it back in the warm oven. Sometimes, soap has a mind of its own and it will take a different route than the one I had in mind.

For me, the time it sits in the warm oven, is not always the same as each recipe changes with weather condition, oven condition and my own state of mind. I always do the tongue test before I move on anyway to another step in soapmaking so I am safe in removing the soap from the oven.

How did you soap turn out?

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Sorry about that, but if you want, stop by my soapmaking site (link in my signature), I am using the Hot Oven Process to make my soap presently and it is a great way to do it. I am presently on a project of making 35 different kind of handmade soaps in 31 days, a crazy project but going fine. My notebook of this project is kept alive and updated each day until June 15. What a creation time it is... one that I will certainly remember...

Take care,

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I had this happen once or twice and I did the same, started to stick blend until I could tell it was the right texture and let it cook the rest of the way. Sometimes things don't always go the way they should for whatever reason.

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