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Brittle soap?


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I just made my first batch of cp soap, yeah! It looked great but when I took it out of the mold I made to cut it, it started to shatter when I cut it. What did I do wrong? I followed the recipe and it was so simple too. I don't think I added too much lye, I washed with a piece and it felt ok...it didn't burn or anything. Is it fixable with this batch?

Here is the recipe I used.

12 oz of lye

32 oz distilled water

48 oz olive oil


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Might want to run any future recipes through a soap calculator next time. Based on my calc, that batch would go straight to the garbage. If you're using 48oz of olive oil with a 5% SF you should have used 6.178 oz of lye and 18.24 oz of water. That is an extremely lye heavy batch of soap! You're very lucky it didn't burn. Only using olive oil to make soap (castile) is probably not a good starter recipe to try out. It'll not show you a proper trace and should take a while to set up (usually days before I can unmold) or cut. HTH

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I totally agree with 1st batches being simple. Castille is just not a good simple starting point. If you're not opposed to lard, try a simple recipe with things you can buy at your local grocery store...lard, shortening, canola, OO. PM me if you need a starting recipe and I'll gladly point you in the right direction.

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every recipe should be checked on the soap calc,EVERY recipe..

that being said you can start with an olive oil,coconut oil and palm oil soap to start.

all 3 you can find at a grocery store and/or health food store.

there are also beginner recipes in the recipe section of this forum.

again if you find a recipe be sure to run it through the soap calc..

good luck..

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