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What type did you start with??

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Hi everyone!

I have been doing a lot of research and really want to give candlemaking a try. I was thinking of ordering one of the starter kits from Lonestar....I think this was one of the sites I liked best.

Anyways, my question is what kind should I start with? Container, Votive, or Pillar.... are any easier than the other or all about the same?

Oh, 1 more question... Does everyone use a different wax for each?

Thanks for any help in advance!

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I use a different wax for containers then I do for votives (I don't do pillars)

1) container wax is softer and made for containers

2) Votive wax (I use Ecosoya PB) is a bit harder and made for votive/pillars.



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Hi there, I guess the easiest way is to pick a style that you particularly like and go from that point. To some degree it may be dictated by the wax that is available to you if you dont want to have to pay for shipping etc.

Personally we do containers, pillars, votives and tarts and we use 3 different types of palm and 1 type of soy for our products. Its really horses for courses, so decide what you like and start there.

They are all great to make and all have their issues when it comes to wicking etc. Trial and error (from a good starting poinmt of course) and test, test, test, test. By the way did I mention testing :)

Have fun and let us know how you progress.

Cheers from downunder


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Thanks everyone for the responses!

I have been leaning towards the containers, because that is what I like to use the most.

I also already have a lot of glass jars and such that I can use for those!:)

That is probably what I will go with...

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I started out with a votive kit from Cajun Candles. The kit was well stocked and was perfect for learning one of the easiest forms of chandlering (candlemaking). Once you get votives under control, then you are ready for jelly jars and so on. Keep it simple, order small amounts of wax, tester fos and wick samplers to keep your cost down. Read all the posts you can and ask questions. Don't worry about sounding like your new to the craft. Everybody starts out at the same place and wants to learn secrets from the pro candle makers. Sometimes, they slip up and tell you really good stuff.

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Mindyw8 - just a tip. When I first started I started with all sorts of glass containers and found out the hard way ($$$ lost) that sticking with one jar/wax/wick combo is best. Master one glass jar at a time.



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