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Frosting and Cracking....

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Hello Everyone,

I know this may be a dumb question, but I wanted to know if ALL SOY WAY will frost??? and will ALL SOY WAX crack??? I care more about the frosting than anything else really! I went shopping the other day and saw soy candles(so they claim anyways) a well known supplier this was. and they had no frosting or cracking on any of their jar candles, how could this be?:confused: (maybe had other wax with it?!!)

I know all soy wax is different but is there one that maybe does not frost alot? I currently use 464 wax and FO and liquid dye nothing else?? anyways thank you for reading and please if you could help me figure this out I would be greatful!! THANK YOU


p.s. yes I am fairly new to the soy candle making as you can tell :)

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There are tricks you can use to prevent frosting but even those do not always work long term. Pouring cool,Tempering the wax,adding additives to prevent frosting.

Cracking is something else most plain soy do not crack unless you add something to them like BW or other additives. Pouring cool is the best preventive of cracking. I do not believe 464 is plain soy.

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The information I have from my supplier on 464 is as follows....

GW 464 contains a soy-based additive and is both natural and kosher. This soy-based additive enables the soy to be poured at a hotter temperature reducing frosting and increasing FO

GW464 - Has a lower melt point which helps with the burn and gives better glass adhesion. Suitable for container candles and tealights.

Pour Temp: 65-80°c

Melt Point: 46-49°c

FO Load: 8%-10%

I dont get too muich frosting, but have had some cracking when mixing the soy with non crystalising container palm.


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Thank You for responding!!!! I have had frosting in some of my colors(not all) and all of them crack(I take the heat gun to them) but, after burning them they ALL crack again....so I guess I can not do much else about that unless I add something else to my wax mixture. thank you again


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Jen, please search the forums for both specific information on your wax and basic melting/pouring/cooling procedures. It isn't always what goes into a candle, but HOW that candle is made that makes a difference.

Post #2 at this link


describes two methods to use to search Craftserver for information. Good luck :)

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