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Is this a stupid idea?

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Hi all, was mulling over a problem and came up with this idea.

Problem: Scent gets very strong {almost sickly} in the bottom third of the jar {CS Love spell}. I dont understand the chemistry of wax/scented oil intergration so Im thinking that this may happen because, during the cooling process, some of the scented oil sinks to the bottom of the jar {stirred it good or so I thought}.

Solution to try: Stir well and pour half the candle, when that sets pour the top half. Ive never poured hot wax on cold wax so I dont know how much of the cold wax would be melted by the hot wax. Im thinking that this way, there is less scented oil to sink to the bottom {in the lower half}. Theoretically, poured this way, {assuming sinking oil is the problem} the candle should be strong at the bottom AND in the middle {the bottom of the second pour}.

Am I just dreaming??

Using 12% oil and a mix of cb-135 + cb Advanced

I intend to cut down on the FO % but not to less than 10%

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It's never stupid to test. That's the only way you learn anything.

That said, if the fragrance oil is sinking to the bottom, the only reasonable conclusion is that 12% is too much. The solution is to use less. If a candle has to be poured twice to keep excess fragrance from going to the bottom, that's a defective design.

It might also be that the fragrance oil is evenly dispersed in the wax, but the candle is burning differently towards the bottom and throwing better. The solution again would be to use less fragrance oil. There are many FOs that would be ridiculously strong at 12% and maybe that's all you're experiencing.

So, the test you propose could possibly give you more information about why the candle is too strong at the bottom, depending on whether your double-poured behaves the same or not. However, I think the answer either way is to use less fragrance rather than make the candle differently.

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Depending on what the ratio of your CB-135 & Adv is you very well may be overloading. MAX for the 135 is 12%. MAX for the Adv is only 10%. I'd back down to 10%.


That being said, I use straight 135 and find on some FOs I have to back down to 7%. Not because the FO has settled - just because the FO is that strong. Any particular reason you've established 10% as the lowest percentage you will go? Remember it's FO quality (regardless of price) rather than quantity that gives you a great smelling candle.

Doing a 2 pour may give you a nice frost line around the center of the jar where the 2 layers meet. I'd be interested to know what happens.

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