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How do you hide the Page Source on my Website pages...


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I can remember doing this a long time ago I think. If I recall I had to actually encrypt the html with another program. I am not sure whether you can just hide the source, but am more than happy to be corrected if it can be done. Maybe google "hide html source" and see what you come up with.


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Some sites are set up that when people View Page Source it will only show a line or two..

Somehow there is a way to encrypt it.

This is what my hosting Company emailed me when I asked:

If the source is encrypted, what the user will see is just

a lot of garbage characters - not your original code. So the view

source command is practically disabled for each encrypted file. It is

not possible to prohibit viewing the code, it can not become invisible.

But what is visible is only the protected code, not the original, plain

text code created by you. Your original source can't be viewed - so you

can consider it hidden.

Please contact a web programmer to know how you can encrypt an html

file from being seen plainly using the view source option in a browser.

That is what I am looking to do..

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I have a copy cat....

Figured I would not make it easy for them to copy info...:P

Is there any reason not to?

Because I was wondering, if I hide my HTML, then is it hidden from search engines too???

Need to do more research..

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Yes it will also be hidden from search engines if the page is encrypted. The only reason I wouldnt do it is that there is the chance that your excrypted source code could become corrupted, thereby making your site break.

I once did have a website where I used encrypted code to hide the plain text source, and eventually gave up on the idea as it was a totaly PITA. Everytime you wanted to make a chage you had to make the change in your backed up copy of the html code, encrypt and then upload. For me that was a total pain as I used to log onto the server and make direct changes rather than change on my pc and upload.


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Thanks Richard!!!

It is sounding more like a PITA than it is worth..

Thought it may be something simple to do. But it does not seem to be.

I definitely do not want my tags hidden from the search engines..

For now, I will leave it...

THANKS everyone for you help and suggestions. I greatly appreciate it!!:cheesy2:

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