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fundraiser brochure


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Can some of you help with what to put on a brochure

Front is the org name,candle fundraiser and a pic of my candles

Inside is the scent list page

Another page my company info,100% soy candles handmade by______________________for_________________

1/2 of the proceeds for each candle sold goes to __________ Please support this cause for the kids in our community

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT (BACK PAGE) or should there be something else

It is hard making these.I can do all the wording and where i want things but husband has to set it up and he is having a time of it.:angry2:

Any other ideas.Did I leave something out


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I dont think anyone here in Australia has heard of candle fundraisers, but I think its a great idea. I get so sick of kids coming to the door trying to sell chocolates all the time, although lately that has seemd to die off a little. Schools particularly are always looking for ways to raise funds for whatever, so this is definitely something we will be looking at as soon as we relocate back to the East Coast from the West.

Does anyone perhaps have one of their fundraising brochures that they could perhaps scan and post a pic of so that those of us who are not doing this currently can get a better idea of what may or may not work for us.

If no one wishes to,l thats ok, just thought it may be a good idea for those who have never done them.



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Thank you everyone and yes the company write up is a good idea.Short and sweet.To the point.

I guess I have it all covered.After it is done will see if any blank spaces to fill in with a pic or some kind of wording. I have worked on this for a month.Copying all the forms, putting our info/their info on them and e-mailing her back and forth etc. And then making and packing. :shocked2:


Some ideas for you and others if they need any.Sure helped me.

I am like you would also like a template since I am not sure how this one is going to work.Husband worked on it 4 hours last night.If that can tell you something.

Fundraisers are big everywhere and yes people get tired of candy bars. Pay a dollar or 2 and they are gone in a minute where candles can last a month or longer.Oh and I was the one who brought most of the candy bars from my sons.With 3 of them we got alot of candy.:smiley2:

I used to organize fundraisers for spaying and neutering but now do them for organizations.Advertise them and had requests but a few did something else.This will be my first fundraiser but worried with the economy.

As someone stated here with the economy some groups need to make money and her last fundraiser was the biggest turned in by one group. We need want to advertise fundraisers to get them. Like we do with wholesale we should approach groups.

More info to help is BCN has the best forms that you can copy on Candle Cauldron. They have everything you need to get one going.You do furnish the order forms,tally sheet for the person in charge, the receipts and a agreement between both parties.I am doing away with the signing of agreement but it does give the org what they make off each candle and what they sell for.The org usually gets 40-50%.

As for a brochure they are tough but for some I am sure a breeze.My husband had a hard time.Looked for a template on internet.Found one but you cannot use it.He made up his own but I think we need to turn it around.I copied it and seems backwards. It is a tri fold and if this gets to be a bear will go with a twofold

Oh and one more thing I made a flyer to put in stores. Also found out this can go on my website where people can order.The org and I are talking about this.She has to go by the guidelines of the national foundation and was told it was fine. I am just not sure about orders unless local.


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Sounds good. We also include a brief write up on our company and candles. Since we are not a "well know big guy company" I like to let people know about us and how awesome our candles are :yay:

I totally agree about putting a write up about your company and the fact that, if you are, a local company so that people will know they are buying locally. That is one of my biggest selling points.

You might also include a brief description of the organization doing the fundraising and what the funds will be used for.

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