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KY Para-soy container wax??

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I used this wax for a couple of years but have recently switched to blending my own 50/50. CT & HT are great & it colors easily. I used zinc wicks but also dabbled with CD and HTP. I think I still have some if you would interested in a slab to test. PM me.

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I had a tough time with the KY Para-soy container wax so I bailed on it. I know Vickey had said it was similar to her Perfect Blend but it just didn't act the same for me so I gave up on Ky's blends completely.

If I recall correctly, I had cracking issues and God forbid if it frosted because no amount of heat gunning on the planet would fix it. I have a table full of about 50-60 candles to testify to that fact. I just can't bring myself to throw them away and I'm not going to waste the time to melt them down... and I can only personally burn so many candles. Now in KY's defense I always pour super hot so maybe it's just one of those waxes you have to pour at an cooler exact temp.

As of Jan of this year, my new philosophy on wax blends if is the supplier doesn't reveal who manufacturers the wax and what wax it is.. I don't buy it. I have been burned too many times during the busy season by suppliers who run out of wax and I am stuck running around like chicken with my head cut off testing and trying to fill orders at the same time.

I think suppliers think they are being "slick" when they try to sell us wax blends and the idea that they are only being made for them. I have dealt with the actual wax manufacturers enough to know that's rarely the case. (I've been lucky enough thru the years to get sales reps that love to chat. LOL) That being said - I think suppliers should realize that most of us buy wax from them because of price + shipping + customer service. I think they should be honest about the wax & it's manufacturer and also where they get their wicks. I think they do NOT realize the bind they put us in when they run out of inventory and we have to play the figure out "where it came from" game.

Just my 2 scents.. wow, I am chatty today LOL :)


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