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Economy Sucks...but use it to your advantage!


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As most of you know, most of my business is Wholesale and Fund Raisers. I was worried about groups cancelling Fund Raisers but I have found the opposite. Seems lately I have been bombarded with FR requests.

I have a small school group that have participated with my FR Program for the past 4 yrs. This yr was their BEST year! Since this is a small group of 10-15 4th graders I dont really expect much. However, this yr they totally surprised me. They sold over 80 cases (Past average of 50) and over 400 Air Fresheners!!! I am so excited for them...and me!

I spoke with the Group Leader and she said that these kids really worked their hearts out this yr because some of them knew their parents didnt have the money to help with the costs of the club. So, all the kids got together and figured out what they needed to raise to not have to have any input of funds from any of their parents. I was just ready to cry. These kids care so much about this club that they were willing to do what it took to keep it afloat. And the ones that their parents could afford their fees still worked hard so their fellow members would still be able to particpate in the club.

I guess what I am trying to say is that there are groups all over that will need to raise money because of funding cuts or just their parents cant afford the extra costs of trips, fees etc. This is all of our chances to step up and offer our services. This will not only help the Groups but help us too!

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I needed some positive thoughts!

I was thinking today that it's easy get negative from watching the news over the economy, etc and that I have to get a more positive attitude about selling.

Maybe I should take a "news holiday" :)

Congratulations on your FR!

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Air Freshners? What type do you do for a FR? if you don't mind me asking that is.

I use the Corn Cobb & Vermiculite mixture with the groups logo ironed on the bag. The kids love these...and so do the teachers because they hang them in their lockers and the school smells GREAT!...lol

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Same here, my FRs are doubling this year. People are really trying to help each other more. Praise God. I seem to have new ones calling me all the time. Yeah! I just had a lady call me and ask me where to send her check for 1,175.00. I forgot this one was even going on. That is such a good feeling. We needed it to right now. God is good. I am starting to like answering the phone. lol :yay:

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As sad as it is - I picked up three fundraisers from out of town organizations, because their regular chandle makers went out of business. I find most organizers will keep with a hometown handmade products if they can, especially now when they know it's harder for everyone.

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