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What type & size of Wicking....

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It definately still does matter, because they should still be able to burn them. I don't know what wax you are using, so that will make a difference. I use beeswax and use 2/0 square braid for a no drip taper. Square braid IMHO work the best for tapers. You may want to start out with a 3/0 or 4/0 if using paraffin and go up or down from there. Have fun!! :cool2:

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I am using CB advanced wax.

This is just something new I am experimenting with.

I've never made tapers - but - I'm wondering ... can you use a container blend for this application? I'm so used to seeing people recommending a pillar blend. It'll be interesting to see how the experimenting turns out.

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I've never made tapers - but - I'm wondering ... can you use a container blend for this application? I'm so used to seeing people recommending a pillar blend. It'll be interesting to see how the experimenting turns out.

I don't know or use that wax, but I personally would have to say no, as a container wax is not gonna come out of a taper mold no matter how hard you pull. You may be able to put a tiny bit in a pillar wax to try it and that may work, don't know though, I never tried it.

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