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scented neck wraps


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Does anybody know how to make the scented neck wraps. I know how to do the rice/corn ones, but how do you make them scented? Would rice, corn or something different be better since they are scented. I would love to add these to my line for the holidays. (yes, i'm thinking Christmas already :cheesy2: )

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I have wondered about the scented ones, but never looked into it before. I have corn ones and I love them!

I did find this info... http://www.fitnesshealthandwellnesscenter.com/aromatherapy_neck_wraps.html

I personally like the idea of the little pocket with a scented cotton ball. You could refresh whenever you needed. You could package them with a 1 oz bottle with dropper top of FO or EO.

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I make the rice Neckwraps.....I also wondered how to scent them but, so far I've not figured it out....my Mom had made the corn ones out of old jean material & they were NICE til one day one ripped open & OMG the corn was just black....I pitched them all & now make Rice ones....its a 'moist' heat & feels sooooooo good when you ache or need to stay warm during the cold months! I'm not sure I would scent them & put them in the microwave, would that be safe to do?

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I make the the ones for the eyes for migraines or just to relax. It's flaxseed and lavender. You can add a little EO but they really dont need it. It you are going to zap it in the microwave, then the scent from the lavender really comes out but it's not safe to put on the eyes as it can damage the retinas. I get frequent sinus headaches due to my allergies so I zap it in the microwave and lay it over my sinus area between by eyebrows. You can also use it as a cold pack over the eye area for headaches, to relax, or to reduce puffy eyes.

Sorry, I meant to say that the heat on the eyes is what can damage the retinas. OIY!

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  • 2 weeks later...


just started making these use chamomile buds and lavendar e.o. mixed in with flax seed, everyone that have tried them love them zap in the microwave for a few min. depending on the size of the bag, use 100% cotton material. Did some research said that lavendar buds burn in the microwave. So far no problems with the e.o.



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Man I like that! do you sell those????? And how much do you take paypal???


This is my own design I made it for my DH he has shoulder problems and doesn't want to have an operation so I made this it seems to help him you can even freeze it

Sorry I Just seen the post beloved; Yes I do sell them they are 17.00 Us and yes I do take Pay pal

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