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Okay,I joined..I don't undestand this stuff at all! My main question is...will this cart take care of everything? I don't need paypal or google besides do I? I am having a heck of a time understanding the lingo..I think I might be tempted to hire it done..:angry2: It says because it is free i should be able to follow directions..well heck i can if I understand what the heck I am reading..Sorry I just had to rant too!:sad2:

Thanks to anyone who can help me with this.:smiley2:

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I would advise you to sign up with a DIY hosting company. It may cost you a little more over regular hosting plans but most everyone will agree that the extra cost is worth it. Simply using Mals is going to require you to code your own pages unless you have software to do it.....not really a problem but definitely hard to manage.

Here is a brief list of place to check out:






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I would advise you to sign up with a DIY hosting company. It may cost you a little more over regular hosting plans but most everyone will agree that the extra cost is worth it. Simply using Mals is going to require you to code your own pages unless you have software to do it.....not really a problem but definitely hard to manage.

Here is a brief list of place to check out:






Thank you for the reply...I really appreciate it..I kinda decided to forget Mals , my website is through Vista Print and I am using Paypal for the cart as I also have a paypal account.I will bookmark this page and keep your suggestion's in case I get into another jam.

By the way,I am really impressed with your website and what you have accomplished at such a young age!:cheesy2: I also attended a christian school when I was young and was very active in my bus ministry.I see you are active in VBS!:cheesy2: That's great..God bless Kimmeroo

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Hey, i have used Mals-e for 7 years and they are great! No down time, easy to use and set up. I have live shipping with UPS and USPS. If you want live shipping, in your store you will have to give each item a shipping weight plus a little overage, Use Mals-e shipping option #8. You will have get the link and set up thru USPS and UPS for the coding to use "live" shipping.

Just take your time, read and you will get it.

It's not that hard to use, so please don't be intimidated by it.


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I have been using it for years on my site. It is awesome and affordable compare to what is outhere. I have a premium account and it cost around $80.00 for the year.

Coding is extremely simple and easy to do...no kidding...you will be able to use Paypal and you can also use whatever payment getaway you have.

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