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Just need to rant about insurance

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Last week, my insurance company sent me a letter saying that they will no longer cover my business because of liablity. I called them up (since they have been insuraning me from the start) and asked why? They said it is because one of the agents saw somebody walk out of my house with a candle when I told them that I do not have customers come to my door. I told them I don't have customers come to my door and if you saw somebody walking out of my door with a candle, it would be a friend of mine who was testing a new scent for me. Needless to say I got mad and why were they watching my house??? Were they just trying to come up with a reason to drop me?

I suspended all sales and now I'm currently calling around again for insurance. I've had 2 companies now tell me to disolve my LLC because I don't make enough to make insurance worth it. I talked to my lawyer and he doesn't even suggest disolving my LLC to save money on insurance. The LLC just gives me more protection.

Thanks for listening to my rant... I needed to get it out. Wish me luck on finding new insurance.

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Now that is creepy!! :shocked2:

Why the heck would the insurance company be camping out in front of your house..

I would call and speak to the manager and ask them - when and what time they saw this transaction go down!! I would also want to know why they were watching my house!!!:mad:

Did a neighbor call and say there was to much traffic going on in your neighborhood because of the biz?

Sounds like a lot of BS to me..

They can't prove it was a customer either!!! Did they see money switch hands!! That could have been you Mom and you gave her a gift!!

I would demand proof!!!

I wonder if there is anything legally you can do to get them in trouble!!!

That's just not right!!

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I don't know. My husband and I have been having problems with them for almost a year now. We have everything with them, house, cars, my husband's toys, life... I have been working on switching now for a few weeks, just wasn't ready to do so yet. Was waiting until our life was up at the end of this month. Just wish they would have waited...would have saved them the trouble. I have not noticed anybody in my neighborhood and my neighbors love that I am doing this, so I can't see them complainin about traffic (which there wouldn't be any from me anyways since customers don't come to my house) Maybe more UPS trucks coming and going :cheesy2:

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Thanks for the link. When I found this board that was one thing that I searched for. It has been very helpful. I want to get insurance right away since I have candles out there, but I don't want to take the first company that gives me a quote (do like to find the cheapest). About an hour after posting, I had one of the insurance companies call me back and gave me a quote. It is cheaper than what I have been paying, but it isn't as much coverage. However, it may be enough since I am still small. I'm going to be talking to my husband tonight and see what he says about the other products that they quoted me. It just sucks having to pay a premium twice in one year.:(

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Being an Insurance Agent myself...that sounds like BS to me. If the company called you to do a survey and you let that sort of info slip to them...the yes, they could possibly non renew for Breach of Contract. But heresay???? Sounds to me like your company is just pulling out of the market because they may have paid out too many claims in the past.

If it were me, I would request a meeting with my Agent. If you have an Agent who is worth a damn they will fight to keep your business. I have argued many good business cases to my underwriters with great success. Keep your cool when talking with your Agent...believe me, I know how hard it is and I am my own Agent!...lol

You are going about it the right way though. Shop around...dont just take the first policy you are offered. As far as disolving your LLC...huh? I cant believe a professional would advise you to do that. A LLC protects your personal assets from your business mistakes. If you have already went thru the trouble and paperwork of forming a LLC, I say keep it.

If you were in NY state I could hook you up. Good luck in your search.

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Thanks for the link. When I found this board that was one thing that I searched for. It has been very helpful. I want to get insurance right away since I have candles out there, but I don't want to take the first company that gives me a quote (do like to find the cheapest). About an hour after posting, I had one of the insurance companies call me back and gave me a quote. It is cheaper than what I have been paying, but it isn't as much coverage. However, it may be enough since I am still small. I'm going to be talking to my husband tonight and see what he says about the other products that they quoted me. It just sucks having to pay a premium twice in one year.:(

If your company is cancelling you...thay HAVE to refund any unearned premium.

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Thanks for letting me know about them having to pay back the unused premiums. That makes me feel better about that. However, since our agent has been giving us trouble since August, we were in the process of leaving him completly. So we are not going to fight it too hard. I would hate to go through all that fighting when we are just planning on leaving to begin with. That just seems to be a waste of my time.

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Wow, what BS. I don't think they were watching your house. I think they made that up because the chances are almost 100% that somebody at some point walked out of your house with a candle , even if it was just you, so they made it up to use as an excuse. I'm happy for you that you're getting rid of those jerks!

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  • 5 months later...

Wow! I am sure by now you have this resolved (for the time being) It certaintly triggered me about our Insurance woes a year or so ago. It was our home owners insurance and they sent us a letter 2 months after buying our house saying that we had to fix X,Y and Z - so we fixed X, Y and Z and they sent us another letter 2 months afterwards saying that we still had to fix them...This went on past winter (we had to explain that the fixings they wanted could not be done in Maine in winter)..and into spring... They sent us a cancelation notice and said we had not complied- I called them to see what we hadn't complied with - as we had fixed things that we didn't even know had to be fixed and they were complaining that there were cracks in window frames (which were granite) - I told them to send me pictures of the things they wanted fixed- they sent the pictures and after furthur research into it - discovered they were talking about the other side of the house (we live in a Duplex) they told me to write them a letter stating that I live in a duplex and we are not responsible for the other half and also to prove to them that the window trimmings were granite and not other material..I just dropped them and got new insurance and haven't had any issues since! :D

The lesson for me on this one - and I think some others may have suggested it too - is too always ask for pictures first and then fix things afterwards- and that some insurance companies are a lot more nosy then others.


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