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Okay...I'm going to assume for now, that the answer is yes, but I want to make sure before I start pouring a bunch of candles...

When I measure out the solid wax before I melt it, will the weight be the same in it's liquid melted form?

Again, I know it sounds like a silly question, but I just want to make sure because all of the container companies specify pour weights, and I know that 1lb of solid wax = 16 oz. I just want to make sure it remains 16 oz when it's liquid, so my jar measurements don't get screwed up.

Btw, I'm using Glass Glow palm wax if that matters.



When I measure out the solid wax before I melt it, will the weight be the same in it's liquid melted form?

Yes. A pound is a pound.

However, 16 FLUID ounces (like a pint or 2 cups) is NOT the same as 16 weighed ounces. Fluid ounces are a volume measurement. Chandlers use weight.

This gets into the question, which is heavier, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers?

Answer? They both WEIGH the same - one pound. Their VOLUME (the amount of room they take up) will be dramatically different, but they weigh the same.

Except on the moon.:laugh2::)

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