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First batch - questions?


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Ok well last night I did my first mp soap :yay:. This is what I did and please tell me if I did anything wrong. I melted 1 lb of oatmeal mp base in micro until it was almost melted completely and the stirred until the rest was. Waited a bit and add 1/2 tsp lanolin. Then later when it cooled some more I added about 1 tsp of glycerin. Once it started to setup and I could see when I would stir it would looked like the oatmeal already in the base would suspend I added about 1 tsp of ground oatmeal and 1 1/2 tsp of ground coffee (I used Streusel Cake coffee beans that we got for Christmas, it smells so good). Stirred to my liking and poured into my lined (velvetta cheese box) mold and then added more ground oatmeal to the top and I let it set up.

I did this late last night so I stayed up until 1pm just so I could try it, and also again this morning. It was great, suds great, lather great. I have dry skin, especially on my hands and after I used this they are only dry on my knuckles (but my knuckles get really bad and crack and bleed) but a lot better than they have been in a while. The scent is a very faint coffee soap smell (but I also didnt add any FO to it) that smells really great on the skin. Not incredibly noticeable but it is there. When I was rising it off it felt really silky (like when we had a water softener in Florida).

The only problems with this try is I want it to moisturize more and also it looks like the coffee grounds look kinda green in the soap? Is this normal? Also I was wanting it to be a little more of an exfoliate and it really wasnt. I was a little cautious about adding the coffee because someone mentioned they are really scratchy, so maybe next time I will add more.

I will posted pictures later, cant right now camera is in DD room and she is still sleeping. So please let me know what you think and as soon as DD wakes up I will add pictures.

I had so much fun and cant wait to make more.

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sounds like a very nice soap. Ive never had my soap turn green from coffee grounds. I just made a coffee soap the other day, i used caramel chocolate truffle, it turned the soap a nice light tan color but not green.

It could just be the type of bean. If you want moisture try adding some butters, like shea, mango, olive, cocoa.

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From the sound of it-- its definitely the coffee grounds that turned green and the soap around them. Just try different coffee grounds til you get color and texture you want.

I've had some herbs turn the soap around them in different colors and just tried different ones or combos of herbs til I got the right effect I wanted.

Don't you just love making M&P now? Its really fun isn't it?!!

For moisturizing try adding some oils or butters like DeAnna suggested. A good one for problem skin is shea butter because of its great healing ability.

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Thanks so much, I will definitely try different coffee grounds. And I will try adding some oils and/or butters next time but I am going to hold off until we move (we are closing on our new home March 10, and moving everything on the 11th. I cant wait I am so excited).

It was a lot of fun, I even think I like it a lot more than candle making. It was really fun trying to come up with some kind of recipe (all the recipes I have seen online I didnt have the right oils, but I did find one I really want to try so I will be heading to Trader Joes to see if they have the oils that I need.

Well thanks guys for the feedback, I was really worried about the green spots but the soap has been great and I think I have been averaging washing my hands every 45 minutes. I am just getting a kick out of using MY OWN SOAP. It's great.

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You know you can always remelt that discolored soap to get rid of the green spots. If you do then add a little olive oil and blend it into your remelted soap to make it more moisturizing. I mention OO because most people have that already or its easy to run out to the store and get some. It also makes a great soap that moisturizes. Just don't use too much as it can turn your soap greasy. I use about 1-2 tsp per lb.

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Well I did it already, I added 1 tsp evoo and about 3oz of the shea butter base I have, sorry I didnt have just shea butter (but I figured it wouldnt hurt, and hopefully it doesnt). It is ready to be taken out so I will go do that now and let you know how it is.

Thanks so much for your help

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Ok the new is GREAT!!!! I definitely feel a difference. My hands feel so soft and silky. This is great thanks so much for your help. I did kind of messed up with this new one, I was impatient and pour it before it was ready so the coffee is at the top and the oatmeal is at the bottom. We were having crawfish for dinner and I wanted to go ahead and start eating so I just poured it, but I did think it was close enough but I was wrong. But it does feel great and no green spots anymore!!!

Thanks so much!!!

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