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Difference in Palm waxes?

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according to thecandlemakersstore the glass glow can be used for containers, votives, tarts.

i have used cs's glass glow & gb415 pure soywax for tarts with absolutely no sticking problems. after they are set up i stick them in the freezer for a bit & they pop right out. the soy i've used both the metel tarts molds & plastic molds. the gg plam wax just the metel molds, because you have to pour them really hot.

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Glass Glow was designed to be a container wax with good jar adhesion, not as a tart wax with good mold release properties. IGI says nothing about molded candles in its description of R2322A (which is the same product as CS's GG, manufactured by PT Sumi Asih Oleochemical Industry) ...

But hey - use it for whatever you wish. I use soy-based container wax for tarts sometimes and the sun still comes up in the east (but my tarts also don't have the storage life nor clean demolding properties as do ones made from pillar or votive wax ;)).

Your best chances for success with a wax are to use ones formulated for your specific project application. This is not to say that success is impossible if you use a wax for a different purpose - it simply means that it's less likely to yield the expected results or that you may end up doing more work to force something to work in an application for which it wasn't designed. :)

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I was not sure which one to use, glass glow (container) feather (pillar.) So I made some with feather palm wax (pillar.) They came out of the mold fine, I am using silicone molds, but almost all of them had these caved in places in them. I also did some clamshells, and they turned out great. Then I did some glass glow (container), and they all turned out beautiful! Now I don't know if it was because I was using the silicone molds vs the metal tarts molds. But for me I will stick with the glass glow in the silicone. That said, when I first started making palm wax candles, I was not paying any attention and grabbed the wrong bag of wax for my containers....I grabbed the feather palm (pillar). This is going to sound crazy because I know that this should not have worked, but it made the most beautiful candle. I never had any problem with it not adhearing to the jar. I waited for several months before I burned it and it adheared all of those months, but burning it was a whole other story....the thing is you sometimes just have to just jump in and try it. I was not sure what I was going to get with the silicone molds, but they crystalized great on the top and marbled on the bottom. When I make them I treat them like I would a container or pillar, I heat the molds and cool them real slow by placing a box over them. I have been really happy with how they turned out. You just have to experiment and have fun!:yay:

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Well I've read that most people favor the GG better and I was curious as to why? Is the color or fragrance better?

I don't know anything about the candlemaker's store palm wax, but a sweet friend on here told me that the glass glow from Peak's and from Candle Science are the same. I get the same look using it from both places with no problems. Candle Science has a better price. I like the look of the glass glow better then the frost palm, but there are a lot of people that use the frost palm.

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