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Help picking out slab mold size for beginner soaper


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:confused: Hi, I have been reading the new threads of M&P soap and I want to start playing around with different soap bases. I want to invest in a really good slab mold from Logan Bear since I have heard great things about their molds.

I need suggestions on size. I am confused about the slab mold calculator as I don't know what size to go with.... 9,12, or 18 bar slab. Size of bars, length, heigth, width? Help!!! After reading about everyone who is making the M&P I am now anxious to get started.

I want to stop buying those crappy full of additives commercial bars and start making some as close to natural as I can. I want to invest in a really good slab mold. I do want to start practicing with 2 lbs at a time though, don't know if that will make a difference as to size of slab I should purchase. Maybe I should purchase a smaller mold, or a log mold to start with, I don't know.

Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.:)

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Get something not too expensive to get a feel of soaping first, IMO. You can get slab molds on eBay pretty cheap.

No use investing in something costly to start with! You can soap in a plethora of household items. Even empty quart milk containers lined with freezer paper. Or old small drawers, the same way.


Edit- this is for MP? Sorry~ I'll move this there.

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I agree with mystical_angel. You can make a slab mold out of many different kinds of boxes even!! Look around your house and see what you've got. Once you get going with your soap, you may want to make larger batches. If you want to invest in the mold immediately, maybe try to find one that can graduate up to larger batches.. that way you won't have to turn around and purchase another mold right away.

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The Kelsei 9-bar slab is the exact right size for a 2# batch. I generally use a Logan Bear that was designed for larger bars but I still love my Kelsei.

ooh sorry, didn't realize it was for MP. Dunno about molds for that.

And I agree, don't go overboard on cost as a beginner.

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