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Question about web set files for web sites

Brenda (OH)

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I am hoping someone, possibly graphic designers, can help me with a problem I am having with graphic file names. I purchased my web set files a few monts back and I am finding that the file names are not compatible or titled correctly for some hosting companies. WAHM's require all files be .gif or .jpg, my header has a .png extension. Designer 218 requires the buttons to have specific names, i.e home page button must be homebtn.gif, topper must be pagetopper.gif, other files must be .gif. My files are not titled per their requirements.

The designer I bought them from says they work with various hosting companies including the 2 I mentioned. I have tried repeatedly contacted the designer / site where I bought them and they are not replying to my emails. Is there a way for me to modify them before signing up with a new host?

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I am hoping someone, possibly graphic designers, can help me with a problem I am having with graphic file names. I purchased my web set files a few monts back and I am finding that the file names are not compatible or titled correctly for some hosting companies. WAHM's require all files be .gif or .jpg, my header has a .png extension. Designer 218 requires the buttons to have specific names, i.e home page button must be homebtn.gif, topper must be pagetopper.gif, other files must be .gif. My files are not titled per their requirements.

The designer I bought them from says they work with various hosting companies including the 2 I mentioned. I have tried repeatedly contacted the designer / site where I bought them and they are not replying to my emails. Is there a way for me to modify them before signing up with a new host?

You should be able to change the file extention. I can help. Send me an email with your files in it, and I will see what I can do ok? Are you working with Designer 218? If so, I can easily get the extentions necessary and get them changed for you.

my email is sharon @ vistabeam . com (no spaces of course)

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