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Shortning SAP?


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Does anyone have the SAP for shortening made out of palm- and canola oils?

As far as I've understood, margarine is the Swedish shortening, and it's made of palm- and canola oil mixes. Most of it is about 40% fat.

I'd like to use this easy, cheap hard fat... but I don't know if I should assume it's got the same SAP as Crisco, or not? If not, what do I type it in as, on Soap Calc?

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Okay, it seems I've confused some terms here. I apologize!

After doing some research, I found that margarine requires 136-138g of soda per 1000g. That is, the value... eh, whatever the term is in English... is .136 to .138.

Now the problem is how to enter it into Soap Calc. I checked and found that

Chicken fat gives .132

Oleic acid gives .136

Tallow Beef gives .135

Lard gives .134

But which one to use to get the most accurate values on hardness and condition and so on?

Also, I've been notified that baking-margarine is usually 80% fat here. Heh. That's what happens when you don't buy it so often, I guess. Margarine for sandwiches is usually 40% fat, but I wont be soaping that.


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Most of those values don't mean much. The conditioning value in particular tells you nothing except how much soft oil is in the recipe, on the incorrect assumption that soft oils make mild soap. You will do just as well to derive the best recipe experimentally. Maybe you'll do even better by not chasing meaningless numbers. For the margarine just use an oil that has the SAP value you need and don't worry about it.

Hopefully you have reliable information about the composition of the product, or at least its SAP value. And hopefully it's a consistent product. Personally I would feel more comfortable using pure fat rather than margarine. Not only is the margarine a blend of oils, but it contains water. Unlike oil, if you let it sit around I suppose its SAP value could actually change as it dries out.

You might also want to take the moisture content into account when planning the water for your batch. But that's not a critical issue and you can always adjust it based on experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, thank you for your reply. I was seeing Soap Calc as the Allmighty Predictor of my results, and that made me rethink.

How does one know what oils make mild soap or not? :confused: I'm way, way too freaking poor to make more than a batch a month, perhaps two, and I'd like some way of working out what result is probable, and how to combine things to get the results I'm wanting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

each oil has different properties, which i think, are listed somewhere on this site... I dont know if margarine would be on it, since there are so many variables. I`ve been out of touch for a while so I cant help much. I did a bunch of research a while back about the good stuff in different oils for your skin. Theres lots of info out there. good luck.

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