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At my wits end with 444!!

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I have tried EVERTHING to get my 444 to behave. I want SMOOTH TOPS! I have poured at different temps, different additives, different paraffins, heated jars, non-heated jars....what the heck?! I can't get a one pour no matter what I try. Do any of you have luck with the 444 being a one pour? If so, please help with a few suggestions! TIA

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Ahhh, I wish it were that easy! These are deep crevises down the wick. Heat gunning that much wax would take longer than doing a repour. And besides, it melts the wax coating off the wick. I don't like that either.

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I so feel your pain! I had the best luck with 444 the first few cases so i ordered a pallet and what do you know i have yet to open a case that worked well... i just figured out for my jars you have the find that perfect temp and cross your fingers. One style of my jars I had to pour low and the other style which was a seamless jar I had to pour high. I guess the thickness of the jar (Pressed vs. seamless) has a factor in how the candle sets up.

i love the scent throw with 444 but it is def a chance with this wax.

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It is a different lot. My last pallet came with 2 different lot numbers. :angry2: The first 15 cases poured beautifully! Then I poured the next lot number and it was awful! Soo you can't tell me it is different pouring conditions, or fragrance, or pour temp. I just need to find something to add to it to make it stop havinf such huge sinkholes. I did pour one last night at 95 degrees. I added 1/2 teas. C/O to 1/2 lb. wax. That set up flat on top, but had jumplines and frost. I just will NOT be able to pour that cool. I have to many to pour.

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