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candle tins

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I am testing the candle tins.3 sizes and so far the 4 ounce I am having no problems.Will move on with the 8 and 16 ounce tins next.

Well today got a e-mail from someone looking for a tin candle for a kitchen. Called it a canister.Only 8 ounces but I have no idea where to look for tin canisters for candles. 8 ounce shouldn't be hard to wick.She said a scent that takes away odors such as kitchen smells, cigarette and just anything eliminating odors in the kitchen. Odor eliminator would be my first thought. It is citrusy and takes away odors.

So any ideas for a candle tin for a kitchen candle and a scent that takes away the odors of cooking in the kitchen. Any help would be appreciated.

I have my regular round candle tins but no decorations on those.Just plain and don't know how to decorate those. Or can I get something like a tin that is decorated??? If so where???


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Thank You.I also think Lemon.Also thougth about testing lemon and orange together.Citrusy. Probably lean heavier on the lemon.

Problem is I cannot find decorative tins.I know the lady will not want glass for her kitchen and all I find our the candle tins we use all the time. None decorated unless you get into bigger sizes or many Christmas designs.I would like to find fruit or food.She said her tin had chilis and sunflowers(where do they go together)Hot food and a flower????? She got the tin from a fundraiser kids had on-line. She cannot find anything like that now. If I get creative I guess I could do something on these tins but boy the work and just wonder if it would peel off. Liek paint etc.

I could just do some kind of decorative label with a kitchen design in mind

I searched sites yesterday for decorative candle tins and found nothing of interest.Will e-mail her today and tell her and see if she found someone else who has what she is looking for. She said she had a few more she was waiting to hear from.



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I would just work with what you have unless this customer is putting in a big order. Coffee soap works well with kitchen odours so maybe that scent in a candle would work well?

I'm in the midst of wicking an 8 oz deep tin and am finding it tricky but am using EO's and all soy. I've tried a HTP 104, 105, RRD47, cotton 44-28-18C and will try a #3 square braid but have a feeling that HTP1212 will work perfectly but I don't have any of those at the moment.

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Thank You both for more ideas.

She couldn't find anything so is ordering just a simple tin. I do the 3 sizes. Those have been easy to wick.

She want rid of cooking odors and wants a killer scent to eliminate odors. Any ideas????

Not sure about a coffee scent since she seems to want a citrusy scent.

I bet a deep tin is a bear to wick??? Even if only 8 ounces.

Maybe for a kitchen decoration I could make a special label with fruit etc.


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I learned my lesson with bucket tins.I got some at the Dollar Tree. Perfect for a bug candle for people to use outdoors. LEAKAGE. So found out on CT to MOD Podge them. Husband did that 3 times and still had some leakage.I trashed that idea real quick.

MUST be seamless and I am betting the decorative tins aren't. The candle the customer got was in a magazine or on-line for a kid's fundraiser.She cannot find those candles now. She said the tin has sunflowers and chilis.I have no idea where those 2 things were together. Maybe all sunflowers or all chilis on the tin but not both.:shocked2:

She decided to get the round tin alot of us make.She doesn't care.One person notified her and said she had nothing what she was looking for and I guess the others she didn't hear from. I am working on this tomorrow and hope I can find the special knock out candle scent that KILLS kitchen odors. :confused:

Yes it would have to be tested but my past experience I don't want to waste time and money. I am more afraid of leaking.


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