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Making Candles with EO's

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Does anyone do this? I am interested in trying it, but I'm unsure hoe much to use. I've read that you can poke holes in a jar candle after it's set up and add a few drops to it that way. That seems like it isn't very good. You won't have an exact amount. And what about pillars, you can't poke holes in them after they've set up. I appreciate your help!



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You add EO's to candles the same way you do FO's, at a higher temp. so they bind with the wax. You definately don't want to poke holes and put in EO's, that's looking for trouble and possibly a fire, as some EO's have VERY low flashpoints.

You'll have to test with your wax to see how much you need for a good throw. I personally only use a few EO's straight as a lot of them fade fast and don't work well, but I mix some EO's with my FO's to give them a 'kick'. Citrus & mint EO's can also have a terrible fuel smell, so I don't use them alone also. Lavender, patchouli, eucalyptus/spearmint mix & a lavender/lemongrass mix are a few of the ones I use straight in my soy/paraffin blend wax.

You'll need to just start testing to find out what may work in your wax. If you don't know anything about EO's, you need to research them first, before you start playing as many can be very toxic! :cool2:

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