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Everything posted by tsc

  1. Does anyone do this? I am interested in trying it, but I'm unsure hoe much to use. I've read that you can poke holes in a jar candle after it's set up and add a few drops to it that way. That seems like it isn't very good. You won't have an exact amount. And what about pillars, you can't poke holes in them after they've set up. I appreciate your help! Thanks Shannon
  2. Thanks Scented Now I don't mean to be an idiot, but I can't help it. I don't see a search on that website. I see there is a page for links, but I'm not finding stuff there either. I'm sorry, but I do greatly appreciate your help.
  3. I am wanting to find information on the differences between soy and paraffin. I mean real information. I see on websites all kinds of misinformation. I want to be able to inform my customers with the truth. Also the truths about "triple scented" and soot. I would appreciate anyones help on this matter. TIA
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