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I am Confused


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:confused: Hi! Again I have a dilemma a friend of mine give me about 15 bars of soap with no Ingredients. The soap is clear somewhat i would like to rebatch it but i am afraid it may be M&P. My question is can i mix it and rebatch it with a regular CP. Please help I hate to throw It away

Thanks :confused:

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A good way to see if it is M&P is to break off a good chunk and melt it in a pot on the stove. If it's M&P, it will melt very smoothly and in hardly no time at all. If it doesn't, then it's more than likely not M&P. CP or HP do not melt anywhere as smoothly as M&P, and it takes much longer.

If it is M&P (or CP or HP for that matter), you can chunk it up and add it 'as is' to fresh CP for decorative purposes, but as Amylynn said, I wouldn't melt M&P down to add to your CP batter. Well.... not unless you happen to be going for a 'goopy gum' look, that is. :grin2: I did that to a 'bubblegum' scented soap once. I aded some pink colored, melted M&P to my CP batter, and it turned out pretty cool looking, like there were melted 'bublegum' strands dispersed throughout my soap. The kids loved it! HTH! :smiley2:


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