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If I don't want to use lye but love rustic look


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I don't sell my crafts but love to do them as a hobby and give away. I make all melt and pour soap but would love to do make soap that looks like the beautiful rustic homemade soap. I don't want to mess around with lye. I haven't heard good things about rebatching- and even with that don't you need homemade soap with lye? I read about making from soap flakes but they are hard to make. Any ideas?

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Lye really isn't as scary as people think. Be safe, be aware and be educated. You'll be fine.

This statement "and even with that don't you need homemade soap with lye" isn't correct. Homemade soap, unless done incorrectly, doesn't have lye in it. It is made with lye but when the chemical process of saponification is complete, there is no more lye. It is soap, not lye and fat, just soap, basically.

I believe Bramble Berry sells soap that's ready for rebatch. There are many crafters that rebatch gorgeous soap.

Search the soap gallery for some of eugenia's posts. She can make a great soap by rebatching.

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Thank you . I guess I am trying from buying tons of material everytime I fall in love with a new craft. I don't sell my stuff so I was trying to keep the supply list low(thus not buying lye) I saw a receipe using Lux snowflakes but they don't sell snowflakes anywhere. I like the oatmel balls on the one link- thank you

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