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Color bleeding out?

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Ok I did a search and could not find exactly what I need to know. So sorry if this has been asked before and if so and you know which thread it is in please let me know.

Ok I used soy 125 from candlewic with their color blocks. And in the candle I made purple it turned the middle of the wax white, like it bled out, after two burns. Now this candle was wicked too high so I dont know if that is what made this happen or not. I have only made a few with color, all of those where wick correctly, and noticed that after the wax hardens back up it seams to lose the color. So since then I have been making them dye free but I really would like to be able to have a line of color candles. Should I try to get some liquid dye and see how that goes or am I just doing something wrong with the color blocks?

I am going to try to attach a pic so you see what I am talking about, I hope it works.

Thanks for any pointers you can give me.



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Sorry, I forgot to add, I don't use any colour

Ummmm, that's kinda what this thread is about...:confused:

Overwicking (ie. too much heat) can cause color changes, so be sure you have your wicking dialed in, especially if you are having trouble with the color fading... This is not, however, a characteristic of colored soy wax and the problem should be corrected. We've poured a lot of colored container candles and have never had this particular problem using liquid dyes and correct wicking.

Another thought... could this be frosting you are seeing? I couldn't really tell from the photo... Some waxes frost terribly after burning and the color can fade and change...

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No I dont think it is frosting, the top is smooth and purple but the middle is white. The other ones that I believe were wick correctly it was the wax on top that the color faded a litte bit, nothing like this one so maybe it is because I had that baby way over wicked.

I think I will try again with the color, I am using different jars now which only need to be single wicked. My last jars I needed to double wick and really hated them so I gave them away and got me some smaller diam jars.

Thanks Stella you really are a great hope, about everything on this board. And thanks for everyone elses help also.


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