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searching for black drawing salve recipe


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Hi Everybody! I have a 13 yr old German Shepherd Dog that was bitten by something, most likely a brown recluse or hobo spider. I have been treating him with herbs, cleaning with peroxide and had to lance the wound. I've read about a black drawing salve that can be used in this situation. I believe it has charcoal & eucalyptus in it among other ingredients.

Does anyone have a recipe to share or direct me to?

Any help would be appreciated. It's getting ugly.

Thank you.


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Thanks to all who are concerned. No, I have not taken Dante to the vet. I am without a car since Feb.08. As with many folks today, I am trying to get by in survival mode.

The recipes I found on the web did not have the charcoal/eucalyptus in the ingredients.

I am going to purchase some til I make my own.

Is there a reputable online seller that you can recommend?

Thanks again,

Warm regards...bobbi (tilliejones)

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  • 3 months later...

I came across this recipe for black drawing salve; hope it helps:

Black Drawing Salve

* 2 tablespoons bee's wax

* 3 tablespoons cocoa butter

* 3 tablespoons shea butter

* 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil

* 1 tablespoon vitamin E oil

* 2 tablespoons activated charcoal powder

* 3 tablespoons bentonite clay (also called Rhassoul clay)

* 5 drops essential oil of lavender

* 5 drops essential oil of eucalyptus

* 8 1/2 ounce clear jars and tops, sterilized. Small jelly jars work great for this.

* Candy thermometer


1. Place the bees wax, shea butter, cocoa butter and coconut oil in a small pot.

2. Heat to 180 degree over medium heat. Hold at that temperature for 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Add the remaining ingredients except essential oil. Stir to blend.

4. When the mixture is cool add the essential oil or any herb you wish to add.

5. Spoon into sterile jars and cover tightly. Keep in a cool dark place.

Total yield is four ounces.

How to Use Drawing Salve

Put about an eighth of a teaspoon of drawing salve on bee stings, slivers, boils, infection, or anything that needs to be drawn out of the body. Cover with a piece of gauze to protect the area. A warm compress can be effective in helping the salve draw out the toxins.

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