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Everything posted by tilliejones

  1. Thanks to all who are concerned. No, I have not taken Dante to the vet. I am without a car since Feb.08. As with many folks today, I am trying to get by in survival mode. The recipes I found on the web did not have the charcoal/eucalyptus in the ingredients. I am going to purchase some til I make my own. Is there a reputable online seller that you can recommend? Thanks again, Warm regards...bobbi (tilliejones)
  2. Hi Everybody! I have a 13 yr old German Shepherd Dog that was bitten by something, most likely a brown recluse or hobo spider. I have been treating him with herbs, cleaning with peroxide and had to lance the wound. I've read about a black drawing salve that can be used in this situation. I believe it has charcoal & eucalyptus in it among other ingredients. Does anyone have a recipe to share or direct me to? Any help would be appreciated. It's getting ugly. Thank you. tilliejones
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