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Do you call companies beforehand?


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...I mean the companies you want to have as future wholesale customers: do you call them and ask them if they let you send them some samples and business brochures?

I am wondering if it is better to talk to them first and present yourself before you surprise them with your products...what do you think?

And what arguments do you use for selling your products? I think I am no sales person (I know I should be) and so far I was very lucky people came to me and not the other way round, so I didn't have to advertise.

But now I feel it is time to get more customers.

Any recs for me?

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I've picked up wholesale both ways. It kinda depends on the kind of shop. If it's a casual, small shop like a neighborhood florist or small real estate office, I'll drop in with a couple of candles, ask for the buyer or person in charge, say I'm out delivering and am interested in placing my product in their shop. Have a contract with you and leave the contract and candles ONLY with the decision maker.

Always let them know your wholesale accounts are separated by X miles. Mine are a 5 mile radius.

Since I'm not crazy about large wholesale accounts, I call first, asking for the buyer. I haven't done that for several years, though. They always want to put you on a minimum 30 day net, give a ration of crap, and just aren't worth it.

Most of my wholesale accounts have approached me while I was sitting on my butt at a craft show or flea market. Same with fundraisers.

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ALL of my wholesale accounts have been thru internet search or word of mouth. I have some really nice wholesale accounts, one being a Hyatt Regency Spa and Resort, and they found me and contacted me and they've carried my candles for 3 years now. 90% of my business is word of mouth.

I use to do shows, but quite 5 years ago. I don't sit on my butt any longer, no use, to much time, to much weight to lug around, and these days a waste of my time. I'm no longer that desperate for business....OK, bad choice of words, but I hope you understand the meaning.

ADVERTISE where ever you can. ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE......get your candles out to as many consumers as you can, have an open house. I have 2 sales per year at my shop (which is right behind my house), I invite only the people that are in my area and in Texas. I do another one in October to the same people and have tons of sales, drawing for some free candle/B&B baskets, and at each open house I have min. of 150 people come thru my shop and gross $3,000 min each open house. I offer $2 gift wrapping (gift bag and tissue paper). Do drawings for free candles for every person that purchases $40 or more in products. Always works, 'cause everyone likes FREE!

NOTE: My shop is not open to the public, by appt. only.

I introduce my new items and funny thing, they buy more of my regular line, than my clearance candles....but they also sell quite well.....

I have NEVER solicited my candles and I do quite well yearly.



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