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The lye taste zap in CP?


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I tried a search for the zap thing, but all I could find was it happening, not what it truly is.

Is it like a battery taste zap thing? Am I supposed to have ANY zap, or none at all? When I lick the soap (and not too generously), am I just supposed to taste the same type of thing, when I lick a bar of my M&P (basically grossness but no funky taste)?

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MP will never have zap. Not possible.

Zap is free molecules of lye, that are still active, meaning too much was used in the recipe or the scale/calculator might have been off. It also can be from the water not being measured correctly. Once you get zapped, you will distinctly remember it.

CP zap is kinda like battery zap, but the taste is nasty, IMO. If the fresh soap zaps even slightly after two days, I either rebatch or toss it to the trash. Soap can continue to saponify for a while after it is out of the mold, depending on your recipe and storage/curing conditions.

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It's kind of like being in labor, if you have to ask if it's zap, it ain't zap. When you touch your tongue to a bar of cp soap and think, "Well, I don't know. It's strong, but maybe just soapy strong", that ain't it.

When you get your first zap, you know it and you don't forget it. Explaining what it's like?... it's like ZING! :eek:

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They liken zap to sticking your tongue on a 9v battery. I've never stuck my tongue to a battery before but I knew zap when I got it. There was no mistaking it. Also, if there is no zap, your soap will just taste like well soap. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh god, oh god.... EW!!!! I made my first CP batch today. Exact scale, soapcalc.com , I got curious... tasted the spoon... Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew!!!!

I hope that goes away within the next day or two. Cause it looks dang purdy and smells divine, I'd hate to have to toss it!

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Okie, will do! K, so this may sound stupid, but if the spoon (separate spoon than what I stirred the lye with) is what mixed the whole batch and used it to put into the mold, is it still bad? I thought it'd just be leftover soap, since it was the same as what went into the mold.

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You haven't given complete saponification enough time.

This is fresh soap, like, just made today? Of course it will zap. Give it a few days. Freshly made soap can continue to saponify for days after it is created. Give it more time.

Some things can be rushed. CP isn't one of them. :wink2:

Also, IMO- I noticed the gallery pic, it looks great.

When doing small batches, I'd highly recommend a gram scale. It is very difficult to measure small doses of lye correctly, without one. Too many variables.

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