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How do you remove labels without damaging candle?


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Good morning,

I searched for info in the forums but didn't find anything...I have a few dozen candles that have glossy white labels on them and I want like to change to a different type of label because they've faded.....any suggestions for easily removing the labels. I tried the heatgun but ended up with frosting in the candle the next day. Any good tips to share? Also, when do you label? Shortly after the candle is made or do you wait and label as you sell?

Appreciate the help,


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Good morning,

I searched for info in the forums but didn't find anything...I have a few dozen candles that have glossy white labels on them and I want like to change to a different type of label because they've faded.....any suggestions for easily removing the labels. I tried the heatgun but ended up with frosting in the candle the next day. Any good tips to share? Also, when do you label? Shortly after the candle is made or do you wait and label as you sell?

Appreciate the help,


are they in jars? cause all you have to do is put the lid on and run it under hot water an rub it off ..

i prelable all my jars to save time

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Thanks PixieWick.....

My labels must be the stubborn kind because if I run them under hot water, just the top comes off and I'm left with a gooey mess. I can then get this off with goo-gone but even then I think the jar needs to be wiped with alcohol to get off the residue. I was hoping there was a quicker method but maybe not :confused:

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Guest WhoMe?

I peel off the top portion and to remove the gooey/sticky part, I use baby wipes. Yes, may sound odd, but baby wipes completely take the gooey part off. Just thought I would share, good luck!

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You guys are great.....I just finished. I did find some goof-off in the basement and it worked great. The quickest way was to pull off the top layer of the label and then use a cotton ball dipped in the goof-off stuff to wipe over the label. After a few seconds the label came off with most of the glue and then a few wipes more with the cotton ball it was clean. I did go over them with alcohol also just to make sure the residue was gone. I like the baby wipes idea as well but none of those in my house at least until I get some grandchildren and I'm ok with that:)

Thanks again for everyone's advice.

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We too have used both goo gone and goof off however in the event of having neither on hand or not wishing to use a chemical product, tear off the paper top as you are and apply a little veggie oil or peanut butter, let sit for a bit and wipe wipe a damp cloth. Works on most labels other than the odd stubborn adhesive.

Not sure what type of labels your using but if redoing is a consistant chore perhaps look into a repositional label, they can be removed quite easily and stick well at the same time. Most companies offer them.


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