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Labeling Eye Pillows


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I wasn't sure where to post this, so if this has to be moved, please let me know.

Ok, I know eye pillows aren't exactly a B&B product, but do they fall under the same labeling as a cosmetic or drug if they contain aromatherapy ingredients? For ex: headache or sinus relief. OR are they on their own and don't need to be labled? I make my own eye pillows and fill them w/flaxseeds, lavender, & EOs. I sometime add different botanticals.

BTW, I'm also making neck wraps that can be heated or cooled, so this wouldn't fall under this as well, would it?


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I'm pretty sure anything that makes a medical claim falls under FDA regulations.

You could word it to imply what you intend it to without actually making a claim though....

Like maybe instead of "relieves sinus headaches" maybe say "great to use when you have a sinus headache". It implies it would help but doesn't ACTUALLY claim to make it go away.

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Great idea! Thanks!! I love eye & neck pillows, but I just don't want them to fall into the "drug" category w/FDA. Too messy.

Also, how about stating that they come in "the following scents" and not say anything about what the EOs do?

You know, I've also read some descriptions that also state a disclaimer like "I'm not a doc & don't make medicinal claims. Ask your doc for more info." LOL!! Ok, not like that, but you get the idea. :) What do you (or anyone) think?

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