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ambient temp for making candles

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Ok wait...we had our share of problems when we were just starting out! LOL Most of it was my fault because I was making it more complicated than it was. Some of our earliest success stories were dumb luck and I totally fess up to that! :embarasse What works well for some, doesn't work at all for others. Someone mentioned to me they pour C3 at 180...I've never ever had good luck pouring that high. I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when they stated their pour temp.

It's not ego, I just never have experienced anything like what you're saying. Maybe it's dumb luck again! I'm blonde, it happens!

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Some folks don't do anything they regard as special; others do the hula and flatulate (that's a big word for "pass gas" in case you didn't know) - to each his own.

Damn stella first you bust me on the lab coat, now you bust me on the hula and flatulating.:yay:

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To those who do nothing special and make perfect candles, I suspect that you have a natural knack for your medium which many people do not possess and I am happy things work so well for you. When people ARE having problems it is not helpful to tell them you have never had a problem... that's no answer to their difficulties. Some folks don't do anything they regard as special; others do the hula and flatulate (that's a big word for "pass gas" in case you didn't know) - to each his own. I respect anyone's methods so long as they produce good candles. I feel no need to ridicule another's point of view or opinions because I realize that my way is not THE way - it simply works for me. No ego necessary.

IMO, there's certainly nothing wrong with playing around with different techniques, but it's far from helpful to inundate people, especially newbies, with post after post about techniques that most people would never consider. If a person has to go to that much trouble to make an excellent candle, something is wrong.

As usual, your tone is that because of your unorthodox and convoluted techniques, you're the only one here who can make a "perfect" candle. There are others here who use the same waxes as you use and they don't seem to have the trouble you have. They seem to have "got it". Several times, you have lit into someone and accused them of not knowing what they're talking about when in fact, they have been using the same waxes as you for much longer periods of time.

It's not about who is right and who is wrong. If it works for you, go for it. But don't demean people who think your methods are strange. And don't light into people who tell newbies that there are better, easier ways to achieve success. Cooking the snot out of wax over and over is probably not the best way to test your product.

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Cooking the snot out of wax over and over is probably not the best way to test your product.

Jeeze - I don't recall ever saying that I think people should cook the snot out of their wax.

As usual, your tone is that because of your unorthodox and convoluted techniques, you're the only one here who can make a "perfect" candle

Perhaps actually reading the words I write would be more helpful than reading INTO them some subjective "tone".

But don't demean people who think your methods are strange.

Conversely, I would expect that you would show me the same respect you are requesting be shown to you.

Why don't we stay on topic, which was about the ambient room temperature question? If you have nothing to offer on that issue, then I fail to understand why you entered the thread...

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