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Need help with room spray, please!

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I purchased some room spray base from TCS and made up my first batch (following their directions, of course).....it's VERY cloudy! :(

I did a search on how to correct the cloudiness, but most posts I found were pretty old....thinking perhaps new ideas have been found since then :confused: Also, none of them dealt with bases, only cyclo, etc.

I purchased cobalt plastic bottles to put them in...the cloudiness looks awful.

Any new tips and tricks out there to get rid of this?


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I don't know if any of these tips will help with cloudiness.

When I make body sprays, I find mixing the fco and fo together

first, before adding the cyclo. I know your working with a base,

are you adding the fragrance to the base or the base to the

fragrance? Maybe adding the fragrance just a few drops at

a time, stirring very gently.

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Are customers bothered by it? Maybe they aren't. I find that "Cloudiness" doesn't really bother anyone, at least I've never heard negative feedback on the oils that cloud. I find that "Separating" bothers people. Enough for them to mention it to me. They don't like to see, 9even through colored PET bottles), a 1/2 way line across the middle where the "base"(base or homemade mixture) & fo have split. But I guess if it really is a problem, those aluminum bottles are the way to go. Here are some places I've seen them:



The scent works:




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Polysorbates should get rid of the cloudiness. I have used it with 90% alcohol and water with FO and it clears up in no time. FO with polysorbate then alcohol and then water. HTH

in an 8 oz bottle use equal parts FO and polysorbate

and equal parts alochol and distilled water. Mix each addition as you add.

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